3 weight P21034 Fly Rod Review by Joey Walraven after fishing the 2014 America Cup International Fly Fishing Tournament in Vail, Colorado. The Syndicate Pipeline Pro Series is exactly what you need to up your euro nymphing game. SYNDICATE™ manufactures and distributes high performance fly rods, fly tying materials and accessories to specialty retailers, fly shops and fly fishing professionals. P2 1034 Pro Review « Syndicate Fly Fishing Syndicate 10 ft. Syndicate P2 Pipeline 10ft 3wt fly rod How customer reviews and ratings work Sign in to filter reviews 3 total ratings, 3 with reviews From the United States R. Syndicate Syndicate Pipeline Pro Series Competition Fly Rods 349. P2 Pipeline Pro 8 products Syndicate P2 Pipeline Pro 3wt 10'0' Outfit from 349. Even their entry level rods have won anglers gold, silver, and bronze medals at both the national and international levels including the World Fly Fishing Champtionships. Myriad: the local crime syndicate that controlled Wildemount in all but name. Syndicate has won the hearts of many anglers the best euro nymphs for the dollar. Fly fishing vest, fly fishing accessories, vests, Taryons adventuring gear shows signs of use - his golden armor and Rod of.